Food Preferences
For many people, aquatic food is not part of the diet due to obstacles like poor quality, high prices, food culture, dietary habits, and being perceived as inconvenient. Actions to overcome these obstacles, and others, are related to this key element. Relevant SDGs related to this element are SDG 4, 12, 16. Relevant recommendations from the Committee on World Food Security are CFS 4A.1, 4A.2, 4A.6, 4A.7, 4B.2. More links are required, especially for topics where no links are present yet. Please send input to
- CFS HLPE #7 ‘Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition’
- Recipe for change: An agenda for a climate-smart and sustainable food system for a healthy Europe (EC)
- Greenhouse gas emissions of Norwegian seafood products in 2017 (SINTEF, NO)
Policy recommendations
- CFS policy recommendations ‘Sustainable fisheries for food security and aquaculture for food security and nutrition’
- Illuminating Hidden Harvests | Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (
- Consumers and the right to adequate food (two publications, handbook and directory, to be published by early 2021) (LINK REQUIRED)
Education programs
- Guide to conducting participatory cooking demonstrations (FAO)
- Fiskesprell (Norway)
- A Guide to Serving Local Fish in School Cafeterias (ICES, US)
- Women’s role in promoting and raising awareness of consuming safe and healthy aquatic foods (IYAFA CFS50 side event)
Introducing neglected and underutilized species unknown to consumers
- Recipe books (LINK REQUIRED)
- Cooking demonstrations (LINK REQUIRED)
- Convenience products made from aquatic species (LINK REQUIRED)
Establishment of Partnerships
- Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (Guidelines 10-11, 15) (FAO)
- Improved processing such as drying technologies (drying racks, solar tents, solar baskets, etc.) smoking technologies (FTT and other) (LINK REQUIRED)
- Improved storage (LINK REQUIRED)
- improved handling practices (LINK REQUIRED)
Cooling systems
Education programs
Small scale infrastructure, capacity building/training, awareness raising (in addition to access to finance as is noted)
- post-harvest best practice work that FAO are doing under the Norad project (LINK REQUIRED)
Improve quality of fish and fish products
- ProFISH, an NGO including actors in the fish value chain (Finland)
Collaboration with industry (LINK REQUIRED)
SDG 4, 12 and 16
CFS 4A.1, 4A.2, 4A6 and 4A.7
Increase consumer’s knowledge of fish and fish products
- Finland ProFISH aims to increase consumers knowledge of fish and fish products, ways to use fish and their role in nutrition
Promote food culture (CFS 4A.7)
- Ruokatieto promotes Finish food culture and makes recommendations of fish intake (In Finish) (LINK REQUIRED)
Product development
- Develop products that are easy and quick to prepare (LINK REQUIRED)
Information on how to prepare new species available due to climate change(LINK REQUIRED)
- Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (No. 10) (FAO)
Convenient tasty products important to increase fish consumption (LINK REQUIRED)
Technological development which maintain food safety and quality (LINK REQUIRED)
- Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (No. 13) (FAO)
Consumer trust labelling
- Codex Alimentarius
- The Keyhole labelling – regulations for healthier alternatives with the same conditions in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland
Increase seafood consumption through expanded theoretical and practical knowledge of aquatic foods (SDG 4.6, 4.7 and 12.8)
- Fiskesprell (Norway)
- Moving towards greater transparency in the seafood sector (FAO) (LINK REQUIRED)
SDG 16.10 and CFS 4A.1, 4A.2 and 4A.6
- Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (No. 10 and 11) (FAO)
Preservation techniques
Innovation for better methods of preservation
Sufficient Aquatic food
Safe Aquatic food
Nutrious Aquatic Food
Dietary Needs
Food Preferences
Leaving no one Behind
Toward Common Goals