Nutritious aquatic food
The key element NUTRITIOUS AQUATIC FOOD concerns nutrient composition of aquatic food. Relevant, reliable and recent food composition data published open access are important for assessing the nutrient content. Also, it is important to understand how conservation, storage and preparation may influence nutrient content. Nutrient content of feed may affect the nutrient content of food. Relevant SDGs related to this element are SDG 2, 3, 4, 17. Relevant recommendations from the Committee on World Food Security are CFS 2, 4A.1, 4A.6. More links are required, especially for topics where no links are present yet. Please send input to
Collecting data
- EAF Nansen program – Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (FAO)
- Small Fish Food Interdisciplinary research project with a sub-goal of assessing nutritional quality and safety of small fish along the value chains
- Blue Food Assessment Paper which will compiles nutrient information on aquatic foods to be released prior to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
Databases with open access (SDG 3.d, 17.18 and CFS 4A.6)
- FAO/INFOODS (International Network of Food Data Systems) Food Composition Databases (FAO)
- Seafood Database on contaminant and nutrient levels in fish and seafood (Norway)
- FAO/INFOODS Global food composition database for fish and shellfish
- FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Database for Biodiversity
- Afrofoods – Food composition, based on analytical data of African foods
- NUTRAQUA Nutritional composition of aquatic products (France)
- EUROFIR (European Food Information Resources) Member-based food composition datasets from 30 countries worldwide
- Search FishBase
- Aquatic Food Composition Database (
- build on and/or upscale on the methods used in the Illuminating Hidden Harvests (FAO)
Useful tools
- Fishchoice tool
SDG 2 and 3
CFS 2, 4A.1 and 4A.6
- UNSCN Discussion paper ‘Aquatic foods in sustainable healthy diets’ (FAO)
- CFS HLPE #12 ‘Nutrition and food systems’
Teaching plans and information brochures (LINK REQUIRED)
Food and nutrition programmes
Tool for dietary reference values (SDG 3.d)
Nutrition recommendations and food based dietary guidelines (SDG 2.1, 2.2, 3.b, 3.d and CFS 4A.1)
Dietary recommendations and advices regarding aquatic food (SDG 2.1, 2.2, 3.d and CFS 4A.1)
- Summary of FBDG recommendations for fish for the EU, IS, NO; CH and UK (European commission)
- Advice about Eating Fish (US FDA)
- School based food and nutrition education (FAO)
Food and nutrition programmes (SDG 4.1, 4.7)
- Fiskesprell (Norway)
- A Guide to Serving Local Fish in School Cafeterias (ICES, US)
- Improving livelihoods and nutrition for women and children (India)
- School feeding programmes (FAO)
- Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (FAO 2006)
Sufficient Aquatic food
Safe Aquatic food
Nutrious Aquatic Food
Dietary Needs
Food Preferences
Leaving no one Behind
Toward Common Goals